Localeum - localization platform

Simple localization platform
for dev|

Make your localization process flawless. Easy integration into your current CI/CD process. Effective team collaboration. Fast deployment in a production environment.

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Everyday we work hard to make life of our clients better and happier
Localization hosting
Localization hosting
Translate and develop at the same time. Store translations on CDN servers around the world.
Team collaboration
Team collaboration
The shared workspace makes the localization process faster and more convenient.
Workflow integration
Workflow integration
Smoothly integrate the localization process into your workflows.
Easy onboarding
Easy onboarding
No need to waste time on training of new employees. We`ve made Localeum as clear as possible.


Unlimited languages
Unlimited languages
You don`t have to choose which language you will use in your current plan - use any. Add new languages without programming. Speak the same language to your clients.
Unlimited users
Unlimited users
Stop thinking about a place for a new member of your team. Localization managers, developers, translators, designers, testers, anyone - there are enough space for everybody. Just add and go!
CLI tool
CLI tool
The CLI tool allows you to quickly integrate your localization process into your continuous delivery process. Download translations directly from the CLI with a simple command.
Team collaboration
Team collaboration
Invite new members to the team. Provide the level of access the user needs.
Intuitive interface
Intuitive interface
Nothing superfluous, only the most necessary functionality. You feel like you are making a translation, not driving a spaceship.
Import and export files
Import and export files
In Localeum, you can import and export translations. If you already have a file with keys and language translations, this will instantly help you to migrate all previous translations. You can also save a backup.

What can you localize with Localeum?

Web App
Web App
Mobile App
Mobile App
Online Store
Online Store

Localeum helps organize the localization process in your company.

© 2021 Localeum.